Correlation between Understanding Covid-19 and Use of Supplements, Pharmacy Study Program Students at Aufa Royhan University in Padangsidimpuan City
COVID-19 is a new type of disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and this new type of disease caused a pandemic that has caused thousands of deaths worldwide. COVID-19 can be prevented by improving the body's resistance to respiratory infections. The study was conducted to determine the relationship between students' understanding of the Pharmacy Study Program at Aufa Royhan University in Padangsidimpuan City regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the consumption behavior of immune-maintaining supplements which include dietary supplements, vitamins and immunomodulators. The students who were used as respondents were 45 students from 95 students of the Pharmacy Study Program at Aufa Royhan University in the City. Collecting data using a questionnaire instrument consisting of 15 questions. From the results of the Spearman Correlation Test, data showed that there was no significant relationship between students' understanding of the Pharmacy Study Program, Aufa Royhan University in Padangsidimpuan City and the use of immune supplements (p = 0.088 ) > 0.05.
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