Analysis of the Application of Emergency Severity Index Toward Patient Triage Response Time In the Emergency Department: Literature Review

  • Nesi Nggosual Prodi D3 Kepererawatan STIKes Kamus Arunika
  • Anshar Rante Prodi D3 Kepererawatan STIKes Kamus Arunika
  • Djusmadi Rasyid Prodi D3 Kepererawatan STIKes Kamus Arunika
  • Cici Pratiwi Prodi D3 Kepererawatan STIKes Kamus Arunika
Keywords: ESI, Triage, Response Time, Emergency Department Installation


Introduction: Triage is the process of determining the condition of patients at risk of death, potential disability, and worsening patient conditions. Response time is crucial in treating patients quickly and accurately.

Objective This literature study aims to analyze the application of the Emergency Severity Index (ESI) Triage to the Triage Response Time in the Emergency Department.

Methods:  This research employs a literature review study with an analytic method approach that meets the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The search for articles or journals utilizes keywords and Boolean operators to refine the search and select relevant literature. The keywords used include ESI, Triage, Response time," and "Emergency Department.

Results:  The study reveals the effectiveness of utilizing the Emergency Severity Index (ESI) Triage on Triage Response Time in the Emergency Department. .

Conclusion The speed at which nurses respond and determine patient triage can be enhanced through the use of ESI (Emergency Severity Index). To support this, nurses must possess knowledge and skills related to the ESI to minimize the mortality rate of patients.


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How to Cite
Nggosual, N., Rante, A., Rasyid, D., & Pratiwi, C. (2024). Analysis of the Application of Emergency Severity Index Toward Patient Triage Response Time In the Emergency Department: Literature Review. Media Publikasi Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia, 7(11), 2624-2630.