Correlations between Sociodemographic Status, Attitude, Cultural Belief, and Family Support towards Complementary Feeding Practices
Introduction: Proper nutrition is crucial during the first two years of life, as this period is a "critical window" for promoting optimal growth, health, and behavioral development. Complementary feeding refers to the introduction of additional foods and liquids when breast milk alone no longer meets an infant's nutritional needs. Providing adequate and appropriate complementary foods, along with proper feeding practices, can help prevent stunting and promote healthy eating habits.
Objective: This study aimed to identify the factors correlated with complementary feeding practices (i.e., MDD, MMF, MAD, and SSSFs) among children aged 6–23 months in Surakarta City.
Method: This cross-sectional study involved 110 mothers with children aged 6-23 months. Data were collected through questionnaires interviewed directly to the respondents. The variables in this study included the child’s age, the mother’s age, parity, maternal education level, maternal employment status, attitude, cultural beliefs, and family support. Complementary feeding practices were assessed using the composite indicators such as MDD, MMF, MAD, SSSFs as recommended by the WHO.
Result: This study identified that child's age (0.012 (OR: 3.71, CI: 1.28-10.75)), mother's age (0.001 (OR: 9.35, CI: 2.06-42.37)), parity (0.003 (OR: 4.16, CI: 1.54-11.21)), mother's education (0.018 (OR: 3.06, CI: 1.18-7.90)), attitude (0.028 (OR: 4.93, CI: 1.05-23.0)), cultural belief (0.000 (OR: 9.00, CI: 2.52-32.0)), and family support (0.000 (OR: 5.39, CI: 2.17-13.35)) were determinant factors of complementary feeding practice. There was no statistically significant correlation between the mother’s employment status and complementary feeding practices.
Conclusion: It is essential to educate mothers on the correct timing and process of transitioning to complementary feeding. Nutrition education should aim to enhance and correct knowledge and beliefs about these practices. Mothers should receive practical guidance on making informed decisions, considering factors such as affordability, availability, access, and the preparation of nutrient-dense foods
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