Effectiveness of NEPIL (Pain, Elimination, Position, Infusion and Environment) Nursing Rounding Implementation on Patient Satisfaction Level: Literature Review

  • Ni Wayan Wirayanti Ni Wayan Post graduate Program STIK Sint Carolus Jakarta JL. Salemba Raya No. 41, Central Jakarta 10440; Indonesia
  • Grace Solely Houghty Lecturer at Universitas Pelita Harapan Tanggerang
Keywords: Nursing Rounding, NEPIL, Patient Experience


Introduction: This study is conducted to determine the effectiveness of Nursing Rounding Implementation on the level of patient satisfaction. Nursing Rounding can also reduce the incidence of falls, plebitis rates and bell ringing if done correctly.

Objective: Nursing Rounding has an impact on patient satisfaction. Nursing Rounding can also reduce the incidence of falls, plebhitis rates and bell ringing if done properly.

Method: literature review uses journals identified from Pubmed, EBSCO, crossref, Pro Quest and Google Scholar.

Result: The results of the 17 journals taken from 2018-2023 state that Nursing Rounding can increase patient satisfaction rates, improve patient safety quality, reduce the incidence of plebhitis, reduce the number of bell calls and reduce the incidence of falls.

Conclusion: Nursing Rounding is a systematic process used by professional health care providers to anticipate and address the fundamental needs of patients, especially in the treatment room. Nursing Rounding uses NEPIL systematics, namely pain, elimination, position, infusion, Possesion, and patient environment to improve patient satisfaction.


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How to Cite
Ni Wayan, N. W. W., & Grace Solely Houghty. (2024). Effectiveness of NEPIL (Pain, Elimination, Position, Infusion and Environment) Nursing Rounding Implementation on Patient Satisfaction Level: Literature Review : . Media Publikasi Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia (MPPKI), 7(6), 1432-1445. https://doi.org/10.56338/mppki.v7i6.5286