This thesis explores the application of augmented reality as a learning medium to enhance students' understanding of prayer material and its impact on their learning outcomes at UPTD SMPN 8 Parepare. The study aims to examine the use of learning media on students' learning outcomes at UPTD SMPN 8 Parepare. The research employs a Quasi-Experimental Design model using a Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. This design involves administering a pretest before the treatment and a posttest after the treatment for each group. The augmented reality learning media used to improve understanding of prayer material was tested through two stages: Pretest and Posttest, based on the learning outcomes of grade VII students at UPTD SMPN 8 Parepare.
The findings of this study indicate that The use of augmented reality learning media at UPTD SMPN 8 Parepare shows an improvement, especially in the learning process related to prayer material, The learning outcomes of students at UPTD SMPN 8 Parepare before the treatment (Pretest) using augmented reality learning media for prayer material in the experimental class achieved a mean score of 71.06 and The learning outcomes of students improved after the treatment (Posttest) using augmented reality learning media for prayer material in the experimental class at UPTD SMPN 8 Parepare, with a mean score of 95.83 while The use of augmented reality learning media for prayer material significantly enhanced students' learning outcomes at UPTD SMPN 8 Parepare
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