Plagiarism Policy


Plagiarism Policy for Iqra: Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan dan Keislaman

Iqra: Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan dan Keislaman is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and originality in the research we publish. Our plagiarism policy is designed to ensure that all manuscripts adhere to ethical guidelines and that published work is free from plagiarism.

1. Definition of Plagiarism

  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of using another person's work, ideas, or text without proper acknowledgment or permission, presenting it as one's own. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Direct copying of text without quotation marks and proper citation.
    • Paraphrasing or summarizing another’s work without proper attribution.
    • Using figures, tables, or data from other sources without appropriate citation.
    • Submitting the same work or substantial portions of it for publication in multiple journals (self-plagiarism).

2. Manuscript Submission and Screening

  • Pre-Submission Check: Authors are encouraged to conduct their own plagiarism checks before submission. Manuscripts should be original and not under consideration elsewhere.
  • Screening Process: All submitted manuscripts are screened for plagiarism using reputable plagiarism detection software. The software checks for similarities with existing literature and previously published works.

3. Handling of Plagiarism

  • Detection: If plagiarism is detected during the initial screening or peer review process, the manuscript will be flagged for further investigation.
  • Investigation: The Editorial Office will conduct a thorough investigation of any allegations of plagiarism. This may involve consulting with the authors, reviewers, and external experts.
  • Actions: If plagiarism is confirmed, the following actions may be taken:
    • Minor Plagiarism: For minor cases of plagiarism, authors will be asked to make corrections and provide proper citations before the manuscript can proceed with the review process.
    • Major Plagiarism: For significant or repeated instances of plagiarism, the manuscript may be rejected. Authors may also be barred from submitting future work to the journal.

4. Author Responsibilities

  • Originality: Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts are original and free from plagiarism. Proper citation and acknowledgment of all sources are required.
  • Disclosure: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and provide appropriate citations for all sources used in their research.

5. Publication Ethics

  • Ethical Standards: Iqra: Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan dan Keislaman adheres to ethical standards set by recognized academic and publishing organizations. We follow best practices to uphold the integrity of the research we publish.
  • Reporting Misconduct: If plagiarism or other ethical misconduct is discovered post-publication, Iqra: Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan dan Keislaman will take appropriate actions, including issuing corrections or retractions as necessary.

6. Contact Information

By submitting a manuscript to Iqra: Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan dan Keislaman, authors agree to comply with this plagiarism policy and uphold the highest standards of academic integrity.