Counseling on Beef Cattle Management in Tunas Maju Livestock Group, Setanggor Village, West Praya Subdistrict, Central Lombok District
Beef cattle farming management counseling plays an important role in improving the productivity and welfare of farmers. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of beef cattle farming management counseling conducted at Tunas Maju Livestock Group, Setanggor Village, West Praya Sub-district, Central Lombok District. The methodology used included surveys, interviews, and direct observation of livestock group members. The results showed that the counseling provided succeeded in improving farmers' knowledge and skills in the aspects of feed management, animal health, and reproduction. Farmers who actively participated in the counseling showed significant improvements in more efficient and sustainable farming practices. In addition, the evaluation results also revealed that the extension helped overcome some of the problems faced by farmers, such as feed shortages and livestock diseases. In conclusion, beef cattle farming management extension in the Tunas Maju Livestock Group has had a positive impact on improving farmers' productivity and welfare. Recommendations for future extension services include increasing the frequency and variety of extension materials, as well as developing a more comprehensive training program to address the specific needs of farmers in the region.
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