Strategies to Improve the Quality of Education in Mas 01 Kepahiang

  • Neni Putri Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup
  • Hamengkubuwono Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup
  • Emmi Kholilah Harahap Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup
  • Destriani Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup
Keywords: Empowering Strategies, Quality Of Education


The foundation to composing this article is the request for quality instructive educate able of making quality human assets. MAS 01 Darussalam Kepahiang, a part is required to realize these trusts. This investigate employments a expressive strategy with a subjective approach. Information was taken through perception, interviews and documentation. Respondents comprised of the head of the madrasah, appointee head of the madrasah, head of organization, head of the library and a few instructors. The comes about of the inquire about appear that the procedure to progress the quality of instruction at MAS 01 Darussalam Kepahiang is to make strides the quality of instructors, make strides scholastic and non-academic accomplishments, move forward National Examination scores additionally School Examination accomplishments. such as progressing framework. Supporting variables in making strides the quality of instruction are instructive instructors who have Bachelor's and a few Master's capabilities in understanding with the subjects instructed, madrasas have instructive programs and a clear division of assignments, framework, a conducive climate and environment as well as extraordinary back from the Pondok Pesantren 01 Kepahiang Establishment. . The repressing components are students' moo learning inspiration, insufficient worker assets, moo level of educator teach and inadequately subsidizing. Endeavors made to make strides the quality of instruction are by powers direction and counseling exercises, making a charming learning environment, giving grants to understudies who exceed expectations, including related work force in preparing exercises, and actualizing an electronic participation framework for instructors and staff.



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How to Cite
Neni Putri, Hamengkubuwono, Emmi Kholilah Harahap, & Destriani. (2024). Strategies to Improve the Quality of Education in Mas 01 Kepahiang. International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS), 6(3), 776~784.