Muhammadiyah Quality Concept in Improving the Quality of Education at MI Muhammadiyah Al-Haq Palu

  • Muhammad Rizal Masdul Faculty of Islamic Religion, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu, Indonesia
  • Rusli Rusli UIN Datokarama Palu, Indonesia
  • Moh Ali IAIN syekh nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia
Keywords: Quality Concept, Improving Education Quality, MI Muhammadiyah Al-Haq Palu


As explained, this article discusses the concept of Muhammadiyah quality in improving the quality of education at MI Muhammadiyah Al-Haq Palu, where we found an ideal image that MI Muhammadiyah Al-Haq Palu has applied as we can see that they use several ways in their concept such as religious spirit, soft skills, facilities, creative, innovative, professional. This concept is considered very successful because it is marked by various achievements or achievements that have been achieved by MI Muhammadiyah Al-Haq, such as having adequate human resources and complete facilities and infrastructure. In particular, MI Muhammadiyah Al-Haq Palu has the status of an excellent school. In this study, the researcher used a naturalistic paradigm with this type of qualitative research. At the study time, the researcher also used a case study approach. And in data collection, we conducted interviews with the parties concerned, and we also collected several documents with which we might be able to obtain the required information. This study indicates that the concept of quality education is very important to be carried out at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Alhaq Palu by looking at the needs of stakeholders or the community regarding specialization and community expectations for an educational model.


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How to Cite
Rizal Masdul, M., Rusli, R., & Ali, M. (2022). Muhammadiyah Quality Concept in Improving the Quality of Education at MI Muhammadiyah Al-Haq Palu. International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS), 4(2), 63-76.