A Study on Students' Anxiety in Speaking English


This research explains students’ anxiety in speaking English at the Fourth semester of English Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah University of Palu. This is qualitative research. In collecting data, the researcher used interviews. The researcher used three major phases of the data analysis, they were: data reduction, data display, and data verification. From the data analysis, the researcher came across some conclusions: first, researcher found that the factors of students' anxiety in speaking English are: come from the teacher (threatening acts, incomprehensible input, and pressure). Second, it comes from the students (lack of knowledge, fear of negative evaluation, low self-esteem, and should speak perfect). Third, comes from the environment (from non-intensive English school and unsupportive classmates).

How to Cite
U. Bogodad, N., Mappewali, A., & Thamrin, N. S. (2022). A Study on Students’ Anxiety in Speaking English. Journal of Foreign Language and Educational Research, 4(2), 57-64. https://doi.org/10.31934/jofler.v4i2.2203