A Correlation Study Examining the Relationship between Metacognitive Knowledge and Reading Comprehension Ability

  • Rahayu Prasetyaningsih Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu


This study was aimed at finding the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and reading comprehension ability. Six students who attended the Critical Reading course at Muhammadiyah Palu University participated as the research sample. Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) and reading tests were administered. In finding out the levels of correlation between the two variables based on statistical quantitative in coefficient correlation, thus the correlational design was applied. The result showed that there was an average significant relationship between metacognitive knowledge and reading comprehension ability.

How to Cite
Prasetyaningsih, R. (2022). A Correlation Study Examining the Relationship between Metacognitive Knowledge and Reading Comprehension Ability. Journal of Foreign Language and Educational Research, 4(2), 50-56. https://doi.org/10.31934/jofler.v4i2.2121