The Strategies of Teaching Speaking at Junior High School

  • Yuyun Putri Tamala Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu
  • Sari Wulandari Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu



This research was conducted to determine the strategies used by the teachers in teaching speaking skill to students in junior high school. The subjects of this research are an English teacher and eighth grade students at SMP BK Balamoa. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The instruments used were interview guides and observation checklists. The interview guide was used to guide the researcher in giving questions to identify speaking strategy. Furthermore, the observation checklist was used to observe the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The results show that the strategies mostly used by the teacher were discussion and drilling. In carrying out the strategies, the teacher used songs as a media to support both strategies. Meanwhile, students' responses to the strategies were positive. They like the strategies, enjoy them and feel helped in their ability to speak English.


Keywords:  Teaching Strategy and Speaking Skill

How to Cite
Tamala, Y. P., & Wulandari, S. (2022). The Strategies of Teaching Speaking at Junior High School. Journal of Foreign Language and Educational Research, 4(2), 12-24.