Implementasi Digitalisasi terhadap Pelayanan Publik di Pemerintah Kota Kediri dan Kabupaten Jember

  • Arief Rachmat Fauzi Kementerian PANRB
  • Hakim Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi
Keywords: Policy Implementation, Public Services, Digitalization of Public Services


Nowadays, public services are required to be faster, cheaper, easier, and more transparent. To answer these demands, the government is aggressively digitalizing all government sectors to realize integrated, quality, and reliable public services. The government has issued Presidential Regulation No. 132 of 2022 on National Electronic-Based Government System Architecture and accelerated with Presidential Regulation No. 82 of 2023 on Accelerating Digital Transformation and National Digital Service Integration. However, along the way, there are still several obstacles such as maladministration to inequality in the use of technology in several regions in Indonesia both in terms of access to technology and individual abilities in the use of information technology. For this reason, research was conducted using a qualitative method with a case study approach and random narratives approach technique in two local governments, namely the Jember Regency Government and the Kediri City Government, to determine the effectiveness of the application of digitalization to public service delivery by utilizing information related to the IPP results and SPBE index results. Data analysis in this study uses six components of e-government implementation, namely aspects of application development, competency development, connectivity, regulation, citizen interface, and capital. The results showed that in the Kediri City Government, the optimization of bureaucratic digitalization was not in line with improving the quality of public services. Meanwhile, the Jember Regency Government can still provide good quality public services even though bureaucratic digitalization is not optimal. It should be noted that the results of this study cannot be separated from the influence of several aspects such as the challenges faced and the strengths of each agency. In general, improving the quality of public services through bureaucratic digitalization in both agencies can be realized with the development of Apparatus Human Resources, good employee procurement planning, and increased public participation.


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