About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Journal of Foreign Language and Educational Research (JOFLER) is publishing articles related to research about languages, foreign languages, and language teaching. This journal publishes original articles, reviews, and case reports. Description containing observation of teaching techniques, experimental research related to teaching approach, method, and strategy , and are acceptable. ELT research trends like teachers' roles, curriculum, learning purpose, professional development, global Englishes and English as Lingua Franca, and technological disruption are also welcome to be published in this journal. 

 Editorial Process

An editor will review the submitted manuscript to ensure it is appropriate for JOFLER. Within two weeks, staff will collaborate with the author to meet all needs. After passing this stage, Turnitin will examine each submitted manuscript for plagiarism. If there is evidence of minor plagiarism, the paper must be revised; if there is evidence of severe plagiarism, it will be rejected. After that, the work will be allocated to an editor-in-charge and an editing assistant. The manuscript will be evaluated at this stage according to its originality and compliance with reporting requirements. The manuscript will next be subjected to peer-review process.

After the authors have given enough feedback, the editor-in-charge will reevaluate the changes, which might be necessary. The editor-in-chief will review the work and make any necessary editorial revisions before making a final judgment. After acceptance, the manuscript will go through copyediting to fix typos and language, standardize the journal's internal style, and enhance the quality of the text, tables, and figures. This stage's incomplete revision will cause it to be published after its scheduled date. After that, the document will go through the typesetting production stage. The author has received a PDF file for review; further scientific revisions shouldn't be necessary.

Failure to comply will cause the publication to be delayed because the modifications require editor confirmation. Following receipt of the money, a publication date will be set. Before it is published, the associated author's final approval is required. Other members of the editorial board who do not have a conflict of interest with the manuscript will process the submission made by one of the JOFLER's editorial team members using the same editorial procedure.