Karakteristik Pasien Appendisitis Akut RSUD dr.Zainal Umar Sidiki Gorontalo

  • Yuniarty Antu Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
  • Febi iswandi Suarno
Keywords: Appendicitis, Leukocytosis, Hematocrit


ABSTRACT (English)


Appendicitis is the most common abdominal emergency caused by obstruction of the appendix lumen. The incidence is primarily between the ages of 10-30 years, with a prevalence of 8.6% in men and 6.7% in women. The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics of appendicitis patients at RSUD Dr. Zainal Umar Sidiki, Gorontalo.



This study used  a descriptive retrospective design



This study found that the majority of appendicitis cases occurred in the 12-25 year age group, predominantly in females, accounting for 55.6% of cases. From the laboratory test, 66.7% of patients experienced leukocytosis, and 74% had a decrease in hematocrit levels.



The most case of acute appendicitis at dr. Zainal Umar Sidiki Hospital were women aged 12-25 years with leukocytosis and a decrease in hematocrit levels.


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