• Ahyuni Yunus Universitas Muslim Indonesia


Justice as one of the goals of law comes from the view that philosophically the law is created and enforced is to create a sense of justice for society. Even in the common people's understanding, justice is often identified with the law itself. That is, the applicable law is always judged from a sense of fairness or not by a particular society. Likewise, the bank credit agreement in the form of the standard agreement contains only the minimum creditor liabilities but on the other hand contains the debtors' liability as much as possible, making it very clear that the justice aspect of the credit agreement of the bank in the form of the standard agreement does not meet the sense of community justice, Especially debtors. It is unfair that debtors with weak position, weak social and economic and then utilized the shortage is for the benefit of the creditors of the bank so that the debtor is forced to sign a credit agreement with the form of the standard agreement.

Keywords:Justice, Raw Agreement, Banking Credit

Author Biography

Ahyuni Yunus, Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Dosen Fakultas Hukum - UMI Makasar


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