The Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Retention at Sentral Mobil Medan

Pengaruh Customer Relationship Management terhadap Retensi Pelanggan di Sentral Mobil Medan

  • Eddy Manajemen, Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Ali Syah Putra Manajemen, Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Albert Manajemen, Institut Bisnis Informasi Teknologi dan Bisnis
Keywords: Customer Relationship, Management, Customer Retention


The role of customers is so vital for organizations and that is why customer
relationship management (CRM) is born based on the recognition of the value
customers have. CRM is then known as a managerial approach which is customer customer-oriente d in which information is provided by information systems in order to sustain
collaborative, operational, analytical, and CRM processes leading to customer
satisfaction and retention. Sentral Mobil Medan is having problem with the retention
which is gettin g low. The objectives of the research are to analyze whther CRM has
impact on customer retention and determine how strong the impact of CRM on
customer customer retention in the company. The writer uses Slovin Formula to get the
sample size. The sample size is 144 customers. The writer uses the simple random
sampling which each member of the population has an equal and known chance of
being selected. The correlation test shows Variable X ( Customer Relationship
Management) has a significantly strong and positive impact on variable Y (customer
retention) at Sentral Mobil Medan. zcount > ztable (9.88 > 1.96), Customer
Relationship Management has impact on customer retention at Sental Mobil Med an.
Several recommendations after analysis and results are the staff of Sentral Mobil
Medan may serve the customers with good manner, give personal attention and how to
interact close what the customers really needs and identify problems and solve the
prob lems fast.


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