The formulation of the general prosecutor's indictment for the criminal act of corruption against fishing boats in Tolitoli Regency did not meet the formal requirements and material requirements which required careful, clear and complete details about the qualifications of the perpetrators (plegen, doen plegen, uitlokker) and the actions committed by the suspects (act) so that the prosecutor's charges become obscure (abscurs libels). Analysis of the texts proves that there is no correlation between the text, the meaning of the text and the context which qualifies the criminal acts alleged by the public prosecutor against the alleged perpetrators of corruption. In order to prevent formal cancellation of the indictment by the court, the public prosecutor in preparing the indictment must include a clear, accurate and complete description of the actions committed and not related to each other, incomplete and partial, especially material requirements so that the description of the public prosecutor is vague/obscure (obscuur libel) so that the charges are null and void and the court's decision is acquitted.
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E. Web-Site diakses pada tanggal 16 Juni 2023, jam 19:07, diakses tanggal 18 Juni 2023 pukul 10.30 Wita, Teori Kepastian Hukum Menurut Ahli. diakses pada hari ahad tanggal 16/7/2023. Pukul 07.00 wita. di akses pada tagl 16/7/2023 pukul 9.33
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