International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS)</strong>&nbsp;is a peer-reviewed electronic international journal. This statement clarifies the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, the chief editor, the Editorial Board, the Peer-reviewer­­­­­ and the Publisher Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify"><strong>Aims and Scope International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS)</strong>: Public health, economics, anthropology, sociology, geography, history, environmental studies, business, administration, political science, cultural studies, ethnography, knowledge law, agricultural science.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;" align="justify">ISSN&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; : ISSN <a href=";1563860550&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2685-6689</a> (Online)<br>DOI Prefix&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; : Prefix &nbsp;10.56338<br>Editor in Chief&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;: Dr Ahmad Yani<br>Publisher&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu</a><br>Frequency&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; : 4 issues per year (January, April, July, and October)<br>Citation Analysis&nbsp; &nbsp;: <a href=";hl=en&amp;authuser=7" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a></p> <p><img src="/public/site/images/ayanix/5e34e500-3b01-4aac-92c6-5582d3c23654.jpg"></p> Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu en-US International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) 2685-6689 EFL Teachers’ Assessment Model of Higher Order Thinking Skills <p>This result discussed about Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) referred to a critical thinking process and creative thinking ability. The problem was teacher still can’t develop assessment relevant to the principle of HOTS aspect. The research was conducted to describe about the EFL teachers’ model assessment in assessing students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills, to describe the EFL teachers’ model assessment in assessing students’ higher order thinking relevant to the principle of the Higher Order Thinking Skills Evaluation. The research method was quantitative. The subject of the research is 3 english teacher. Data collected through teacher evaluation test, and to validity of the result was English rubric. The data analysis by define the research question, define the content to be included and define the units of analysis. The result of this research were as follow: 1) Assessment model develop by EFL teachers’ to assess students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills showed in various assessment with multiple choice while another assessment model was online multiple choice by integrating test in online text and another model were essay and fill the blank which regarding to the Higher Order Thinking evaluation test. 2) The Relevance of assessment and the principle of Higher Order Thinking showed first assessment scored 62% which categorized as not relevance. Second assessment scored 53% which categorized as relevance, third assessment showed scored 100% which categorized as relevance.</p> Sutriani Sahir Arqam Zulfah Fakhruddin Ambo Dalle Magdahalena Tjalla Copyright (c) 2024 Sutriani Sahir 2024-10-18 2024-10-18 6 4 964 970 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.4822 Teachers’ Way in Scoring Students Speaking Performance at School Parepare <p>This result discusses how teachers give scores to students' speaking performances. In this case, the teacher who is the respondent has a different main assessment in giving scores to students' speaking performance. and each has its own challenges with 3 types of scoring assessments, namely holistic, analytical and using rubrics. The research method used is qualitative, data is collected through observation, in-depth interviews and also documentation. The subjects of this research consisted of several English teachers in Parepare. The results of this study indicate that teachers use various assessment theories in their evaluation practices. These theories include holistic, analytical, and use of rubrics, with different main assessment points.</p> Zam-zam Adam Zulfah Fakhruddin Ambo Dalle Abdul Haris Sunubi Arqam Copyright (c) 2024 Zam-zam Adam zam-zam, ZULFAH FAKHARUDDIN, Ambo Dalle 2024-10-18 2024-10-18 6 4 971~974 971~974 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.4823 Problem Based Learning Model Design, Using Capcut Application in SKI Learning to Improve Learning Outcomes of Class X Students of MAN 1 Majene <p>This research aims to develop and test the effectiveness of a problem-based learning model (Problem Based Learning) using the CapCut application in learning Islamic Cultural History (SKI) for class X students at MAN 1 Majene.</p> <p>The research method used is experimental research. The research instruments used are learning outcomes tests and student response questionnaires. The data obtained was analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The main instrument of this research is a test supported by research instruments with data collection in the form of documentation, with a research sample of 53 people divided into 2 groups, namely a sample of 27 people as the control group and 26 people as the experimental group. The sampling technique used is the sampling technique. The research results show that the Problem Based Learning model using the CapCut application is effective in improving student learning outcomes in SKI subjects. This can be seen from the analysis results showing that the value of O1 is smaller than O2, so the X received is (80.00 &gt; 78.00). The experimental class used an Android cellphone with a pre-test score of 80.22 and an average post-test score of 82.22, while the average score of the pre-test control class was 80.00 and the average post-test score was 81.46. Thus, it is proven that the Problem Based Learning Model, Using the CapCut Application in SKI Learning, Improves Class X Student Learning Outcomes. The implication of this research is that the integration of technology in learning can improve the quality of learning and student learning outcomes in the context of SKI learning at MAN 1 Majene.</p> Nurfitrayadi Usman Abdul Halik Ambo Dalle Ahdar Copyright (c) 2024 Nurfitrayadi, Usman, Abdul Halik, Ambo Dalle, Ahdar 2024-10-18 2024-10-18 6 4 975~979 975~979 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5662 An Analysis of English Teachers’ Problems in Implementing the Independent Curriculum at Junior High School <p>This research aims to identify inhibiting factors in the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar curriculum. The study was conducted at Upt Smp 1 Mattiro Bulu, Upt Smp 2 Mattiro Bulu, Upt Smp 3 Mattiro Bulu, Upt Smp 1 Suppa, and Upt Smp 4 Suppa. The research problem revolves around the issues faced by English teachers in implementing the Merdeka curriculum.</p> <p>Data were collected through questionnaires, employing a quantitative approach. The research focused on: 1) Internal Factors: Student Motivation, Student Attitude, and Student Interest. 2) External Factors: Parental Support, School Leadership, School Facilities, Learning Systems, Learning Materials, Teacher Competence, and Time.</p> <p>The results indicate that the identified inhibiting factors include Internal Factors such as Student Motivation, Student Attitude, and Student Interest. However, the highest contributing factor is Student Motivation. External inhibiting factors include Parental Support, School Leadership, School Facilities, Learning Systems, Learning Materials, Teacher Competence, and Time. The most significant factor here is Learning Materials.&nbsp; According to the findings, teachers do not face issues related to Parental Support and School Leadership. This research also indicates that inhibiting factors in implementing the Merdeka Belajar curriculum vary across schools based on their specific conditions. The identification of inhibiting factors provides recommendations to the Ministry of Education and Culture as the regulator and policymakers in Junior High Schools.</p> Mirnayanti Zulfah Fakhruddin Ambo Dalle Abdul Haris Sunubi Magdahalena Tjalla Copyright (c) 2024 Mirnayanti 2024-10-18 2024-10-18 6 4 980~985 980~985 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.4810 Fulfillment of Children's Post-Divorce Supporting Obligations from an Islamic Law Perspective in Polewali Mandar Regency <p>The rights of children after divorce, both in the Marriage Law and the Compilation of Islamic Law, are that children have the right to continue to receive maintenance, care and education from their parents. In terms of financing the maintenance and education of children after divorce, it is the responsibility of the father, which in the Compilation of Islamic Law is known as hadhanah living. This is a form of parental responsibility in carrying out their obligations for the realization of children's rights as regulated in Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. However, mothers also help in managing the household and maintaining the welfare and happiness of the family. Therefore, father and mother both have an important role in the family, and the integrity of both is highly expected in a family in order to achieve a happy family.</p> <p>This type of research is field research. According to Dedy Mulyana, field research is a type of research that studies phenomena in their natural environment. For this reason, primary data is data that comes from the field. So that the data obtained truly corresponds to the reality regarding the phenomena that exist at the research location.</p> <p>Based on the results of the interview with Mr Syamsul, he explained that he was still able to work but did not carry out his responsibilities regarding child support rights after divorce based on the results of court decision Number 65/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Pwl which sentenced the applicant to provide child support for 3 (three) children in the amount of Rp. 2,000,000 (two million rupiah) per month until the child is an adult or 21 years old with an additional 10% each year excluding education and health costs.</p> <p>Based on the results that the researcher has obtained, it can be concluded that the father's fulfillment of child support rights post-divorce in Polewali Mandar Regency based on the results of court decision Number 65/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Pwl has not been fully carried out by the father. This is caused by various factors, ranging from economic incompetence, indifference, to a lack of effective law enforcement mechanisms</p> Sumiati Agus Muchsin Zainal Said Sudirman L M. Ali Rusdi Copyright (c) 2024 Sumiati, Agus Muchsin, Zainal Said, Sudirman L, M. Ali Rusdi 2024-10-18 2024-10-18 6 4 986~994 986~994 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.4756 Implementation of Islamic Educational Values Based on Habituation in Improving Students' Discipline at SMP Negeri 2 Tinambung, Polman Regency <p>This result aims to reveal the implementation of Islamic educational values based on habituation in improving students' discipline at SMP Negeri 2 Tinambung, with sub-focuses including (1) the implementation of Islamic educational values based on habituation in improving students' discipline at SMP Negeri 2 Tinambung, (2) the results of the implementation of Islamic educational values based on habituation in improving students' discipline at SMP Negeri 2 Tinambung, (3) obstacles and solutions in the implementation of Islamic educational values based on habituation in improving students' discipline at SMP Negeri 2 Tinambung.</p> <p>This research uses a qualitative method by conducting a descriptive approach, and data validity is checked through triangulation and reference materials. The research informants include the school principal, Islamic education teacher, and students.</p> <p>The results of this research indicate that: (1) the implementation of Islamic educational values based on habituation in improving students' discipline at SMP Negeri 2 Tinambung, Polman Regency, includes habituation in morality, habituation in worship, and habituation in creed. (2) The results of the implementation of Islamic educational values based on habituation in improving students' discipline at SMP Negeri 2 Tinambung, Polman Regency, show the achievement of students' discipline in adhering to habits in SMP Negeri 2 Tinambung. This has successfully encouraged students to habitually follow the school rules, especially arriving at school on time, praying before starting learning, and leaving according to the specified schedule. (3) Obstacles and solutions in the implementation of Islamic educational values based on habituation in improving students' discipline at SMP Negeri 2 Tinambung include obstacles in external factors, internal factors, and social factors. The solution is for teachers to always set an example for students, and parents continue to advise and remind them to maintain discipline wherever they are.</p> Ulfa Firman Muhammad Qadaruddin Agus Muchsin Muh Akib Copyright (c) 2024 Ulfa, Firman, Muhammad Qadaruddin, Agus Muchsin, Muh Akib 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 6 4 995~999 995~999 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.4766 Kampar Galesong’s Donuts; Historical Development Top 5 South-Sulawesi Culinary Destination from Takalar Regency <p>This study aims to analyse the historical development of Kampar Galesong Donut as one of five top culinary destination in South Sulawesi Province. A qualitative description with a historical approach was used in this research method. The respondents to this research is Kampar Galesong Donut’s owners. In depth interview is required in this research inorder to get valid data. Result of this research are Kampar Galesong Donuts business began in 2017 and went viral on social media by the end of 2019. Kampar Galesong Donuts are among the top five culinary tourism destinations in South Sulawesi Province and can become a popular Takalar snack. There are several obstacles to be conquered, which peaked during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the Kampar Galesong Donuts business saw an 80% decrease in turnover as a result of the government's social distancing regulations. Donut Kampar Galesong currently has four branches and one shop dedicated to sponge cakes under the brand "Boluna DKG”.</p> Hardyansyah yusuf Muhammad Kamal Zubair St Aminah Mahsyar Andi Bahri Soi Copyright (c) 2024 Hardyansyah yusuf 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 6 4 1000~1003 1000~1003 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.4800 The Islamic Vocabulary Philanthropy in Enhancing English Language Learning Among Students at As’adiyah Islamic Boarding School Sengkang <p>This research aims to improve the vocabulary of philanthropy-related terms among 8th-grade students (class 8.1) at Male Islamic Junior High School of As’adiyah Sengkang. Currently, these students have low English proficiency, especially in vocabulary.</p> <p>Data includes qualitative and quantitative aspects. Qualitative data relates to the teaching process, while quantitative data comes from pretests and post-tests analyzed using t-tests. Data sources include the 22 students and their English teacher. Following Mills' theory, data collection includes observations, interviews, questionnaires, and vocabulary tests, recorded in the Researcher’s Daily Notes.</p> <p>This research investigated how using language games can improve English vocabulary for grade 8 students in Male Islamic Junior High School of As’adiyah Sengkang. The games were designed to be fun and interesting for the students and included things like pictures, songs, and practice exercises. The study found that the students' vocabulary knowledge improved a lot after playing the language games.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Lutfi Alwi Ambo Dalle Abdul Haris Sunubi Arqam Magdahalena Tjalla Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Lutfi Alwi, Ambo Dalle, Abdul Haris Sunubi, Arqam, Magdahalena Tjalla 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 6 4 1004~1011 1004~1011 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5596 The Relationship Between Environmental Physical Conditions and the Incidence of Malaria in Percut Sei Area, Chart XV Percut Village <p>Environmental factors have an important role in the incidence of Malaria. The environment provides physical conditions that allow the Malaria disease vector, Anopheles Sp., to multiply. Anopheles Sp. has the ability to adapt to its surroundings, allowing it to survive. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between environmental conditions and the incidence of malaria in the Percut Sei area, Bagan XV, Percut Village. This study uses a quantitative method with an approach using a cross sectional design. The population in this study was 300 people using the lameshow formula, 51 samples were obtained in the study with random sampling techniques, The results of the study on the type of wall had a significant relationship with the incidence of malaria with a Pvalue of 0.006 &lt; 0.05. In the presence of gauze wire there is a significant relationship with the incidence of malaria with a Pvalue value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05. In waterlogging, there was a significant relationship with the incidence of malaria with a Pvalue value of 0.028 &lt; 0.05. In the existence of livestock cages, there was a significant relationship with the incidence of malaria, the Pvalue value obtained was 0.024 &lt; 0.05. In the activity of going out at night, a significant relationship was obtained with a Pvalue value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05. From this study, it is hoped that community members will maintain environmental conditions to avoid malaria attacks caused by the Anopheles mosquito.Sp.</p> Meutia Nanda Anissa Humaira Meida Sari Siregar Tania Yusrina Ismi Larasati Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2024 Meutia Nanda, Anissa Humaira 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 6 4 1012~1016 1012~1016 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5714 Application of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) learning by al-Qur'an hadith teachers to the learning outcomes of al-Qur'an hadith at MAS DDI Tellu Limpoe, Sidrap Regency <p>This research aims to determine the results of implementing the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) learning model on student learning outcomes, especially in the Al-Qur'an Hadith subject at MAS DDI Tellu Limpoe, Sidrap Regency.</p> <p>The research method used in this research is a quantitative experiment, where this method is a research method used to examine certain populations and samples. The type of research used in this research is a quasi-experimental design, where the groups are not chosen randomly but use two groups, namely the experimental group, namely the group that was given scientific Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) treatment, and the control group, namely the group that was treated with conventional learning. . The class selected as the experimental group was class XI IIS A with a total of 20 students, and the class selected for the control group was class XI IIS B with a total of 20 students.</p> <p>The results of the research show that the application of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) learning by al-Qur'an hadith teachers to the learning outcomes of al-Qur'an hadith at MAS DDI Tellu Limpoe, Sidrap Regency has increased. From the research results from samples from each experimental class and control class, it shows that the learning outcomes of the Al-Qur'an hadith from the experimental class which was given the application of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) were much higher than the control class which was not given the application of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). This is shown by the results of data analysis obtained from the experimental class and control class. The experimental class had an average pretest score of 81.05 and a posttest score with an average of 85.1, while the average pretest score of the control class was 81.00 and the posttest score was 83.15 on average. Thus, it is proven that classes with the application of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) experience increased learning outcomes compared to classes that are not given the application of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK).</p> Suriana Ahdar Hamsa Ambo Dalle Usman Copyright (c) 2024 Suriana, Ahdar, Hamsa, Ambo Dalle, Usman 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 6 4 1017~1023 1017~1023 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5672 Analysis of Physical Water Quality in Griya Asri Housing District Fountain Stone Regency Deli Serdang <p>The physical quality of water can affect the physical condition of water, the physical condition of water can be in the form of smell, taste, color. There are several factors related to clean water that need to be considered, including sustainability, quantity and quality. This will be strengthened by access to clean water which is determined by how much clean water there is in the house and the surrounding environment. The aim of this research is to determine the physical quality of water in the Griya Asri residential area, Tuntungan District. The method used is a qualitative approach by conducting interviews with residents who live in the Griya Asri housing complex directly in the field. The research results show that there are two very broad aspects regarding the physical quality of clean water, the first is the environmental aspect, and the other is the health aspect. The physical availability of clean water in the Griya Asri residential area is not adequate because the water used is yellowish, smelly and rusty so that if used in daily life it has an impact on health. Lack of access to quality clean water is defined as a lack of availability of clean water, which is also caused by several factors, such as an uncertain climate and poor clean water storage infrastructure. To overcome this problem, a number of concrete actions are needed, such as creating other water sources and building infrastructure or water filters to increase access to the physical quality of clean water.</p> Meutia Nanda Rahmadani Sagala Rizky Nanda Pratama Dhidy Haz Idiano Ismi Larasati Hasibuan Copyright (c) 2024 Meutia Nanda 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 6 4 1024~1027 1024~1027 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5700 Internalization of Islamic Education Values Through Ruqyah at the Ruqyah Al Hikmat Institute in Sidenreng Rappang Regency <p>The research entitled Internalization of Islamic Education Values Through Ruqyah at the Ruqyah Al Hikmat Institute in Sidenreng Rappang Regency, aims to: a. Describe the Ruqyah technique applied at the Al Hikmat Ruqyah Institute, b. Describe the process of internalizing Islamic educational values for Ruqyah patients at the Al Hikmat Ruqyah Institute, c. Describe the implications of internalizing Islamic educational values through ruqyah for ruqyah patients at the Al Hikmat Ruqyah Institute.</p> <p>This type of research is field research using qualitative data processing techniques. The research subject is the Internalization of Islamic Education Values and the research object is ruqyah activities carried out at the Rugyah Al Hikmat Institute. Data collection in research includes interviews, observation and documentation. The data collected is carried out by data reduction to select appropriate data, then data interpretation and data presentation are carried out and conclusions are drawn.</p> <p>The research results show; 1) The Ruqyah technique applied at the Al Hikmat Ruqyah Institute includes prayer through the media of water, salt and oil or read directly to the patient, Ruqyah with verses from the Qur'an, Hypnotherapy, motivational advice. 2) The process of internalizing the values of Islamic education for Ruqyah patients at the Al Hikmat Ruqyah Institute includes: The Value Transformation Stage is implemented through a lecture or preaching model involving Aqidah, Morals and Worship. The da'wah is delivered both individually and to audiences such as the patient's family. The da'wah theme is adapted to the patient's needs. The Value Transaction Stage is implemented by establishing two-way communication between the Team, the patient and the patient's family.&nbsp; This communication is not only established directly, but can also be done through other media such as WhatsApp. It can be seen from several observations that Peruqyah has to be patient in listening to his patients' stories and this has an effect on the patient because he can listen to Peruqyah's advice because he feels cared for and never pushed into a corner. The stages of internalization include knowledge and awareness, practice and habituation and characterization of the value of Islamic education in patients.&nbsp; One of the most important factors of internalization is the example that makes an impression on the ruqyah patient so that even without the physical presence of the ruqyah, the preaching and teaching of Islamic values for the patient will continue to be remembered and become a practice which ultimately becomes a character for the patient. 3) This form of internalization has implications on the practice of Islamic values in daily life with full self-awareness and that is part of the characterization that occurs in ruqyah patients, such as there are patients who after recovering no longer leave prayers and even always pray in congregation at the mosque, there are patients who since recovering have not I like to argue or argue with my neighbors</p> Abd. Rahim Hamdanah Muh. Akib D Hannani Ambo Dalle Copyright (c) 2024 Abd. Rahim, Hamdanah, Muh. Akib D, Hannani, Ambo Dalle 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 6 4 1028~1034 1028~1034 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5688 The Utilization of Wood Waste as a Handicraft Product in Londut Village, Kualuh Hulu District, Labuhan Batu Utara Regency <p>Waste can cause environmental problems if not handled properly. This is because this waste is generally just thrown away by wood processing factories. The research problem is that wood processing produces quite large amounts of waste which can pollute the environment if not handled properly. This research aims to identify the types of wood waste produced, analyze the characteristics of the waste, and explore opportunities for utilizing wood waste in Londut Village, Kualuh Hulu District, North Labuhanbatu Regency. The research method uses a qualitative approach with interview techniques with wood craftsmen as craft owners and two craftsmen. The research results show that the main waste from wood processing is wood chips and sawdust, which are used by craftsmen and local communities to make crafts such as shoe racks, flower racks and other items. The existence of wood processing actually has a positive impact on society, such as ease of obtaining building materials and additional sources of income. In conclusion, the use of wood waste in Londut Village has been carried out well and provides economic benefits for the surrounding community. Suggestions for utilizing wood processing waste in Londut Village, namely education and training for wood craftsmen on sustainable waste management practices are very important to increase their knowledge and skills.</p> Meutia Nanda Diva Aulia Natasya M Abu Fattahillah Ninis Lestari Nurul Indah Nasution Copyright (c) 2024 DIVA AULIA NATHASYA, Meutia Nanda, Ninis Lestari, M Abu Fattahillah, Nurul Indah Nasution 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 6 4 1035~1038 1035~1038 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5687 The Relationship Between Knowledge, Attitudes, and the Role of Officers with the Management of Household Wastewater Disposal (SPAL) in Hamlet II Teluk Mengkudu Serdang Bedagai <p>SPAL has several negative impacts that are not in line with health standards. When household wastewater seeps into the stream and ends up at ground level where it is discharged, the first thing to notice is to block the view. In addition, wastewater can also emit an unpleasant odor that makes it less comfortable for the community, especially those who are active indoors. In the coastal area of Dusun II, Sialang Buah Village, Teluk Mengkudu, Serdang Bedagai, the purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and the role of health workers with the management of home wastewater drains. This study uses a cross-sectional quantitative research method. The sample was 53 respondents, representing 386 households and 1200 individuals. The research was conducted in Teluk Mengkudu, Serdang Bedagai, in Hamlet II, Sialang Buah Village. Random Sampling is a method used for sampling. The conclusion of the analysis shows that although knowledge and home SPAL are not related, the role and attitude of the officer are related to the household SPAL. To prevent the occurrence of diseases caused by wastewater sewers, it is hoped that the residents of Hamlet II, Sialang Buah Village, Teluk Mengkudu, Serdang Bedagai will further strengthen their awareness, attitudes, and activities regarding the correct household wastewater sewer (SPAL).</p> Meutia Nanda Indah Rahayu Ritonga Amelia Putri Rizky Nanda Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Yustika Putri 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 6 4 1039~1043 1039~1043 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5699 The Relationship Between Knowledge, Attitudes and Actions with the Provision of Clean Water in Hamlet 16 Bagan Percut, Deli Serdang Regency <p>It is important to investigate how knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors are connected to the provision of clean water to understand the health behavior of environmental communities. These three elements are interrelated and interconnected. Good knowledge of clean water can form a positive attitude towards the importance of keeping water clean, which in turn can encourage individuals or groups to take actions that support the better provision of clean water for the community. In Hamlet 16 Bagan Percut Sei Tuan, the researcher aims to find out knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors through the provision of clean water. There were 300 participants in the study, and 51 samples were randomly selected for the study. This study uses a cross-sectional design and a descriptive model as the quantitative technique. With a P value of 0.001 &lt; 0.05, there is a strong relationship between knowledge and the availability of clean water. With a P value of 0.167 &lt; 0.05, there was no real correlation between knowledge and the availability of clean water. Action and availability of clean water were significantly correlated, with P values of 0.001 &lt; 0.05. It is hoped that the community in Hamlet 16 Bagan Percut Sei Tuan will be more in providing clean water because the behavior, awareness, and active participation of the community directly affect the success and sustainability of clean water supply efforts.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Meutia Nanda Annisa Humaira Sumiarti Purba Dini Azila Saragih Muhammad Rizky Ramadhan Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Yustika Putri 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 6 4 1044~1048 1044~1048 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5697 Analysis of the use of Recycle to Increase the Productivity of Msmes Ecofriendly Board Waste Bank in Medan Village, Belawan I <p>Waste is still a common problem in society. Management of inorganic waste in the form of plastic waste and banners is more difficult to decompose so it remains as waste for a long time and causes environmental pollution. There are various ways to overcome this problem, namely 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Medan Belawan I Subdistrict is one of the areas in Medan City that has coordinated the commercial use of inorganic waste. One of the perpetrators of waste utilization in this area is the Ecofriendly Board Waste Bank. This research aims to analyze waste banks to increase the productivity of MSMEs by the Ecofriendly Board in Medan Belawan I Subdistrict. The management of plastic waste and banners gets high added value because it is processed into material for making furniture as one of the initial goals of increasing the productivity of the community and MSMEs. The research method uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research methods. The results of this research, with a recycling system that is carried out continuously on a mass scale, can minimize waste and increase the productivity of MSMEs. It was concluded that the existence of recycling activities made it possible to slightly reduce the huge amount of waste. It is recommended that more waste banks or similar institutions be established in various regions to support MSMEs in utilizing recycled materials for their production.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Meutia Nanda Adinda Aulia Ar-ramdhani Dian Yustika Putri Dhidy Haz Idiano Syahrani Lubis Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Yustika Putri 2024-10-22 2024-10-22 6 4 1049~1052 1049~1052 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5694 Analysis of the Physical Quality of Clean Water in Ward I Belawan I Medan Village <p>The degree of public health is strongly influenced by healthy environmental conditions including the ownership of clean water. The use of water in daily life in neighborhood I of Belawan I Medan Village is almost average using borehole water. The problem raised in this study is the feasibility of using borehole water as clean water for daily needs in Belawan I Village related to the availability of clean water that is not good. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical quality of water in the Coastal Area of Neighborhood I, Belawan I Village. This research method uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Total respondents were 44 people with a population of 80 families. The data collection methods used in this study were observation, interview and documentation. Based on the results of observations, it was found that the community in Belawan 1 Village does not yet have access to clean water facilities due to obstacles, and not all people use PDAM water, some also use boreholes for their daily needs. People in Belawan I urban village do not have access to clean water facilities, not all houses use PDAM water due to constraints, some also use boreholes for daily needs. From the results of the research conducted, local governments and related agencies can immediately take steps to improve access to clean water in Belawan I Kelurahan. And not only access to water, but also community education on clean water.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Meutia Nanda Adinda Aulia Ar-ramdhani Dian Yustika Putri Ramania Sabina Azzahra Ramadhana Nasution Meida Sari Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Yustika Putri 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 6 4 1053~1058 1053~1058 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5691 Analysis of Household Solid Waste Management Around the Opak Chips Factory, Tuntungan Village II Kutalimbaru Deli Serdang District <p>According to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, waste is the remainder of a business or activity. Solid waste is residual or discarded material in solid form resulting from various human activities. Deli Serdang Regency produces many opaque chips. Tuntungan II Village is one of the cassava growing center villages in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province. The availability of cassava raw materials has implications for community activities with small and medium enterprises. From the initial observation survey of the opaque chips management process, it was found that residual material resulting from production or waste was in solid form. Solid waste arises from the management or disposal of waste from industrial activities. Solid industrial waste can be organic waste or inorganic waste. The aim of this research is to see an overview of solid waste management at the opaque chips factory in Tuntungan II Village, Kutalimbaru Deli Serdang District. The method in this research uses qualitative methods with descriptive research, data collection by direct observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results obtained from this research are that this opaque chips factory produces solid waste in the form of leftover cassava pulp and cassava peel. Cassava pulp and cassava skin will be dried first before being given to farmers as animal feed, this is of course an effort to reduce the impact of waste management so that it does not pollute the surrounding environment. Solid waste at this opaque chips factory is processed well. The suggestion in this research is that the role of the government and the community is to provide outreach to the community and it is hoped that they can supervise work at the opaque chips factory regarding waste management.</p> Meutia Nanda Putri Syahrani Alvi Nur Ilmi Br Ginting Anna Kholijah Salsabila Audina Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Syahrani, Meutia Nanda 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 6 4 1059~1062 1059~1062 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5636 The Effectiveness of Using Google Form Application as an Evaluation Tool for Islamic Education Learning at SDN 019 Mambu, Luyo District, Polewali Mandar Regency <p>This study explores the effectiveness of using the Google Form application as an evaluation tool for Islamic Education, Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI), learning at SDN 019 Mambu, Luyo District, Polewali Mandar Regency. The research is motivated by instances where some students provided incorrect answers relative to the questions given during exams. The objectives are to (1) describe the process of using Google Form as an evaluation tool for PAI learning, (2) assess the implementation of PAI learning evaluation using Google Form, (3) identify factors that support and hinder the use of Google Form for PAI learning evaluation, and (4) propose strategies to address hindering factors in the use of Google Form for PAI learning evaluation.</p> <p>This research adopts a field research approach with a descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis follows Miles Huberman's approach, involving data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.</p> <p>The findings reveal that: (1) The utilization of Google Form as an evaluation tool for PAI learning at SDN 019 Mambu starts with preparing essential devices such as laptops and tablets, followed by formulating questions related to the learning materials. (2) Evaluation execution includes distributing question links, ensuring link functionality, and monitoring students' completion of the form. Pre-evaluation orientation and simulations are conducted to ensure students' familiarity with Google Form, showcasing its effectiveness in distributing questions, accessibility, and expeditious evaluation results. (3) Inhibiting factors encompass unstable internet connectivity, power interruptions, and delays among students in completing tasks. Meanwhile, supportive factors include the availability of Wi-Fi, iPads, and Chromebooks as school resources. (4) Mitigating measures to address these challenges involve providing internet data allowances to resolve connectivity issues and offering students opportunities to review and revise their responses. These efforts underscore the school's proactive approach in ensuring a seamless evaluation process for PAI learning.</p> Nasrah Hamdanah Kaharuddin Firman Usman Copyright (c) 2024 Nasrah, Hamdanah, Kaharuddin, Firman, Usman 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 6 4 1063~1069 1063~1069 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5737 Implementation of the Make a Match Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes Al-Qur'an Hadith for Students Class VIII MTs. PP Islamic College Ganra District Ganra Soppeng District <p>This research aims to determine the application of the make a match learning model to improve the learning outcomes of Al-Qur'an Hadith students in class VIII MTs. PP Ganra Islamic College, Ganra District, Soppeng Regency. This research uses a qualitative descriptive model, namely research that intends to understand and explain phenomena about what research subjects experience such as behavior, perceptions, motivations, actions, etc. holistically, and descriptively in the form of words and language in a special natural contexts and by utilizing various natural models. This research shows that the Make A Match learning model applies to the Al-Qur'an Hadith subject in class VIII MTs. PP. Ganra Islamic College has proven effective in increasing student engagement and understanding. Through systematic and cooperative application, this model succeeds in creating a dynamic and participatory learning environment, in accordance with the principles of active learning recommended in modern education. The use of question and answer cards not only facilitates in-depth understanding of the material, but also encourages the development of students' social and collaborative skills. This success shows that teachers at MTs. PP. Ganra Islamic College is able to implement the Make A Match learning model well, as supported by Slavin's cooperative learning theory, thereby making a positive contribution to improving student learning outcomes in Al-Qur'an Hadith subjects.</p> Ali Musyafa Muh. Dahlan Marhani Copyright (c) 2024 Ali Musyafa, Muh. Dahlan, Marhani 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 6 4 1070~1074 1070~1074 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5784 Comparative Analysis of The Family Law Systems in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia in The Context of Unregistered Marriage: Maqashid Al-Syari’ah Perspective <p>This research analyzes family law systems in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia regarding marriage from a Maqasid al-Sharia perspective. It examines issues such as serial marriage practice, implications in both countries, and Maqashid al-Shari'ah's view on marriage registration. The study aims to analyze serial marriage practice, its implications, and Maqashid al-Shari'ah's perspective on marriage registration. It employs a library research method with a normative juridical approach. Primary sources include Islamic marriage regulations, Legal Regulations on Marriage KHI, Saudi law, and library literature. Findings reveal reasons for serial marriages in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, influenced by social, cultural, and economic factors. Both countries face legal and social challenges for children from such marriages. Implications of serial marriages include legal uncertainty, limited access to public services, and health risks. In Indonesia, marriage status is not officially recognized, while in Saudi Arabia, women lack legal protection against health and domestic violence risks. Maqashid al-Shari'ah emphasizes maintaining religion, offspring, and property through marriage registration</p> Ahmad Nawir Suarning Suarning Aris Aris Sudirman L Islamul Haq Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Nawir, Suarning Suarning, Aris Aris, Sudirman L, Islamul Haq 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 6 4 1075~1084 1075~1084 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5772 The Role of Social Media in Developing Intercultural Competence <p>This phenomenology study employs interviews into 10 undergraduated students of English education program at IAIN Parepare as participants. This research aims 1) to explore the experiences of the students regarding the usage of social media to interact with people from different cultural backgrounds, and 2) to investigate how the use of social media contributes into development of students' intercultural competence. The findings display that utilizing social media plays an important role in exposing students to the numerous cultural practices and traditions, thereby improving their knowledge and recognition of various cultures. Students described learning about various cultural celebrations and customs through communication in social media. Furthermore, social media facilitates them adapt their communication effectively when interacting with people from different cultures, maintaining improved sensitivity and awareness into cultural variations. The students emphasized the significance of understanding cultural distinction and avoiding misunderstandings in cross-cultural communication. However, this research still perceives few limitations including a small sample size and potential for self-reporting bias, indicating the necessity in validating and advancing upon these insights for further studies.</p> Nurfadil Arham Magdahalena Tjalla Arqam Copyright (c) 2024 Nurfadil Arham Fadil 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 6 4 1085~1092 1085~1092 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5809 Analgesic Effectiveness of ant Nest Ethanol Extract (Myrmecodia Pendens) on white Mice (Mus Musculus) <p>Pain is an unpleasant sensation emotionally and subjectively, indicating damaged tissue such as inflammation or a more significant condition. Myalgia, or often known as muscle pain. In Indonesia, the percentage of Myalgia sufferers is around 45-59%. This study applies an experimental method with a pretest-posttest group design. In this study, 25 mice were used which were divided into 5 groups, namely negative control (Na CMC 1%), positive control (mefenamic acid) and 3 groups given a dose of ant nest extract (17.5 mg/kgBW, 35 mg/ kgBW, 70 mg/kgBW). The analgesic effectiveness test used was the hot plate method with the writhing response parameter measured for 3 hours with a measurement interval of every 30 minutes. The results showed that the ethanol extract of ant nests showed positive tannin, alkaloid and flavonoid compounds. Data analysis on the comparison of dose groups showed that the doses of 17.5 mg and 35 mg had a significant value of &lt;0.05 with a dose of 70 mg, in the positive control group had a significant value of &gt;0.05 compared to the 70 mg ant nest extract dose group, which means there is no significant difference between the two. On the contrary, the negative control group showed a significant value of &lt;0.05 compared to all treatment groups, which indicates a significant difference. The conclusion of this study is that the dose of ethanol extract of ant nest 70 mg has good analgesic effectiveness, approaching the effectiveness of the positive control of mefenamic acid.</p> Fajar Maulana Lukman Hardia Angga Bayu Budiyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Fajar Maulana 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 6 4 1093~1098 1093~1098 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5901 Restorative Justice in Military Justice Practices in Domestic Violence Cases Committed By TNI Soldiers <p>Not only does the TNI community experience a high rate of domestic violence in Indonesia, but there have also been numerous instances of TNI soldiers engaging in violent domestic relationships. Nearly every TNI soldier who violates domestic abuse laws faces a prison sentence. In actuality, handling domestic abuse crimes can be better accomplished by using restorative justice as an alternative. In line with the goals of Law Number 23 of 2004 for the Elimination of Domestic Violence, this study will address the use of restorative justice to assist attempts to return the situation to its pre-violent state. This study's empirical juridical methodology is bolstered by a case approach derived from the Military Court II 08 Jakarta's ruling. The study's findings show that, from 2016 to 2022, TNI members who commit domestic abuse have never received additional therapy from Military Court II 08 Jakarta. Furthermore, the Panel of Judges has utilized the principle of Restorative Justice in multiple instances of domestic violence committed by TNI soldiers based on legal considerations. It should be noted, however, that there are no guidelines or regulations governing the implementation of Restorative Justice in the military justice system. Thus, in order for Military Court Judges to use Restorative Justice in the Military Court System, it is imperative that SEMA and internal TNI provisions be issued.</p> Verena Jessica Giovani Tetty Melina Lubis Hamzah Rokhmat Copyright (c) 2024 Verena Jessica Giovani 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 6 4 1099~1109 1099~1109 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6042 Legal Protection in Foreign Exchange Trading Activities with Profitable Strategies <p>Foreign exchange trading is used free floating system and does not use fixed rate system or fixed exchange rate as stipulated at the International Conference "The Bretton Woods". In foreign exchange trading can be classified as several active actors who conduct foreign exchange transactions, namely central banks, individuals or public companies, brokers or brokers, governments, speculators and arbitrators. The purpose of this study is to provide the public with an understanding of the legal basis of implementing foreign exchange trading and the legal protection provided to traders for their profitable strategies in trading foreign exchange based on Indonesian positive law. This normative legal research examines the problem of norms in the form of blurred norms based on the use of a statutory approach. Based on the results of the study conducted, it was found that the legal basis for the implementation of foreign exchange is the Commodity Futures Trading Law and further regulations stipulated by the Head of BAPPEBTI, including the Head of BAPPEBTI Regulation No. 109 / BAPPEBTI / PER / 01/2014 j.o Head of BAPPEBTI Regulation No. 95 / BAPPEBTI / PER / 06/2012. Then concerning guaranteeing legal protection for a profitable trading strategy in forex trading, it can be protected as a trade secret through the Trade Secret Law so that forex traders can file a lawsuit to the District Court for violations of the forex trading strategywhich is owned by a trader to be asked for termination of actions and /or compensation (vide Article 11 of the Trade Secret Law).</p> Heryanty Hasan Copyright (c) 2024 Heryanty Hasan 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 6 4 1110~1115 1110~1115 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6041 Component Resilience in Family Harmony in Omben Village <p>The resilience of Islamic boarding school cooperatives in the economic order of society and students has been established for a long time. So that in Law 52 of 2009 concerning population development and establishing a definition of family resilience and prosperity as a family that has tenacity and toughness and contains material physical properties to live independently in achieving inner and outer happiness and economic resilience. This research method is qualitative. Meanwhile, this research was written using empirical legal research, which started as a primary based on field data from the community, through a process of observation and interviews. So this research is based on society and Islamic boarding schools, namely in the form of the Nahdlatut Thullab Islamic boarding school cooperative, in which there is a big contribution not only for students but for family resilience in the economy. Therefore, the results of research on component resilience in family harmony cannot be separated from the form Compontren's contribution to society and the factors and benefits and social aspects felt by the community and the students are found. So it is not surprising that the existence of components can help the economy of every community. Apart from that, there are also factors that with the existence of components, it can open up job vacancies for people so that they can also be helped economically and work together with their partners, so it is not surprising, if there are several aspects and several advantages that can be found in the community, it becomes more economical and be more grateful for what you have. So as to create family harmony and household resilience that is always happy physically and mentally.</p> Imroatus Sa'adah Copyright (c) 2024 Imroatus Sa'adah 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 6 4 1116~1123 1116~1123 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6110 Pulmonary Tuberculosis Incidence Rate with Genexpert Examination Method at Mlati II Public Health Center, Sleman In 2020-2023 <p>Tuberculosis cases in adults in the Special Region of Yogyakarta are still quite high. In 2019, data was<br>obtained that the number of Tuberculosis cases in the Special Region of Yogyakarta in adults was 2,974<br>cases. The results of the GeneXpert examination showed that the most positive cases of Tuberculosis were<br>found in Yogyakarta City, reaching 1,946 people, then followed by Sleman Regency 1,604 cases, Yogyakarta<br>City 986 cases, Bantul Regency 643 cases, Kulonprogo Regency 177 cases, Gunugkidul Regency 422 cases,<br>Sleman Regency 746 cases. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of pulmonary<br>Tuberculosis using the Genexpert examination method at the Mlati II Health Center in 2020-2023. This<br>type of research is a descriptive analytical study with a cross-sectional approach using secondary data at<br>the Mlati II Sleman Health Center in 2020-2023. Based on the results of the study, the incidence of<br>pulmonary tuberculosis was obtained using the Genexpert examination method at the Mlati II Sleman<br>Health Center in 2020 to 2023 from 587 pulmonary tuberculosis patients, 89 patients were positive and<br>498 patients were negative. Meanwhile, of the 89 positive patients, 52 were male positive patients and 37<br>were female positive patients. Based on the characteristics of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis at the<br>Mlati II Sleman Health Center, totaling 89 people, including 4 patients aged 1-5 years, 4 patients aged 6-11<br>years, 20 patients aged 12-25 years, 27 patients aged 26-45 years, 27 patients aged 46-65 years and 7<br>patients aged &gt;65 years. The results of the study showed that the lowest number of patients diagnosed<br>with tuberculosis was in 2021 with 17 positive patients and 40 negative patients. The Genexpert<br>examination in 2020 was 18 positive patients (24%). In addition, The results of the study showed that the<br>percentage of tuberculosis cases from 2020 to 2023 decreased, but the number of cases increased, this was<br>due to the increasing population of suspected tuberculosis in 2022 and 2023. The number of suspected<br>tuberculosis patients in 2020 was 75 cases and in 2021 decreased by 57 cases. The increase occurred in<br>2022 with the number of suspected tuberculosis cases of 200 and in 2023 there were 255 cases.<br>Keywords: Genexpert test, suspect tuberculosis, Suspected TB, Tuberculosis, Molecular Rapid Test,<br>Micobacter</p> Nila Wati Isnin Aulia Ulfah Mu’awanah Arifiani Agustin Amalia Copyright (c) 2024 Nila Wati Abu Bakar 2024-10-24 2024-10-24 6 4 1124~1129 1124~1129 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6094 An Overview of the Phenomenon of Sports Violence in Tarkam Soccer Matches in South Sulawesi Through the Perspective of Players Towards Organizers and Supporters <p>This research aims to determine the description of the phenomenon of sports violence in tarkam football matches in South Sulawesi through the perspective of players against the committee and against supporters. This type of research is descriptive-quantitative, where the focus of the research is to find out whether the tarkam soccer match in South Sulawesi is still synonymous with acts of violence or has developed into a gripping match that is more professional and away from acts of violence. The population of this study were all soccer players in South Sulawesi who regularly participated in soccer matches, while sampling in this study used accidental sampling techniques. Data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires, where the questionnaire in this study was a mixed questionnaire. The results showed that 91.3 percent of respondents stated that they had seen violence in football involving players and supporters of the opposing team, but 72 percent of respondents stated that they were not directly involved in violent football matches with supporters of the opposing team. Furthermore, the study showed that 58.7 percent of respondents had seen violence in football matches involving players with the organizing committee, but 81.7 respondents stated that they were not directly involved in the violence in football matches with the organizing committee. So it can be concluded that violence in the tarkam football tournament in South Sulawesi involving players with supporters and the organizing committee still often occurs.</p> Sulaeman Abdul Rahman Arfandi Akkase Copyright (c) 2024 Sulaeman Sulaeman 2024-10-24 2024-10-24 6 4 1130~1135 1130~1135 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6239 Challenges and Strategies In Implementing The Minimum Age Limit for Marriage of 19 Years in the Work Area of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Barru Regency <p>The implementation of the new minimum marriage age of 19 years for both males and females, as specified in Law No. 16 of 2019, faces various challenges in Indonesia, particularly in regions with strong cultural and religious traditions. This study examines the challenges and strategies in implementing this new age requirement in the working area of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. Using a qualitative approach involving in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, document analysis, and field observations, the research explores the perspectives of religious leaders, government officials, community members, and relevant stakeholders. The findings reveal complex interplays between legal reforms, cultural norms, religious interpretations, and socio-economic factors. By incorporating insights from scholars such as Arskal Salim, Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin, and others, the study contributes to the discourse on child marriage prevention and offers practical recommendations for effective implementation within the specific regional context. The research highlights the importance of a multi-faceted approach that combines education, legal enforcement, economic empowerment, and cultural sensitization to address the issue of child marriage comprehensively.</p> M. Risa Muhammad Arif Oneng Nurul Bariyah Copyright (c) 2024 muhammad risa risa 2024-10-24 2024-10-24 6 4 1136~1142 1136~1142 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6264 The Relevance of the Philosophy of Positivism in the Development of Modern Science <p>The philosophy of positivism, rooted in the thought of Auguste Comte, plays a crucial role in the development of modern science. This research explores the relevance of positivism in the contemporary context, focusing on the application of empirical methodologies and interdisciplinary collaboration. Through qualitative analysis, the research shows that positivism remains a valid foundation for scientific research, enabling researchers to produce reliable and applicable knowledge. The application of positivism in new technologies paves the way for innovation and increases the effectiveness of solutions to complex social problems. In addition, the social impact of this approach is seen in increased public awareness and evidence-based decision-making. The results of this study suggest the need for the integration of positivism with other methods to enrich the understanding and application of science in addressing future challenges. Thus, this study makes an important contribution to the understanding of the positive role of positivism philosophy in science and its impact on society.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Zainol Hasan Hafizh Idri Purbajati Al Munip Firdaus Irman Putra Copyright (c) 2024 Zainol Hasan, Hafizh Idri Purbajati, Al Munip, Irman Putra 2024-10-24 2024-10-24 6 4 1143 1148 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6282 The Existence of Mekongga Customary Court in Resolving Crimes According to Kalosara Tolaki Mekongga Customary Law in Kolaka Regency <p>Customary Court is a court that applies the customary law system for indigenous people seeking justice through a deliberation mechanism. The existence of Customary Courts is not limited to the settlement of customary disputes, but also includes criminal cases. This raises three issues that must be reviewed, namely, how the existence of the Customary Court as an institution authorized by custom to examine and try criminal cases, as well as how the general public perceives the existence of the Court in resolving criminal cases. Using sociological and normative research methods, this study concludes that the limitations and forms of offenses formulated are limited to customary offenses that fall into the category of complaints and minor criminal cases. Then the existence of Customary Courts that cover minor crimes. Meanwhile, the general public has a perception that wants the existence of Customary Courts to be optimal because it prioritizes family deliberation which is a communal principle in customary law communities. This research suggests that there should be a uniformity of minor criminal cases that can be resolved by the Mekongga Customary Court through the Kalosara Tolaki Mekongga Customary Law Regulation in Kolaka district.</p> Hasdin Yadin Copyright (c) 2024 Hasdin Yadin 2024-10-24 2024-10-24 6 4 1149~1155 1149~1155 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6283 The Role of Criminal Law in Handling Cyber Crimes: Challenges and Solutions <p>Cybercrime includes various illegal acts committed via the internet or digital technology. With the rapid development of information technology, criminal law is faced with new challenges in dealing with this crime. Cybercrime is any unlawful act carried out via a computer, network or digital device that can harm individuals or society as a whole. Among the forms of cybercrime are online fraud, identity theft, malware and ransomware, hacking and also cyberbullying. In this crime, criminal law has a vital role in dealing with cybercrime through law enforcement, crime prevention, victim protection, increasing law enforcement capabilities, and international cooperation. Continuous efforts are needed to ensure the law can keep up with technological developments and the changing dynamics of crime. Even though it also faces various challenges, it can take appropriate solution steps, such as strengthening regulations, international cooperation, and increasing awareness, so that it can be more effective in fighting cybercrime and protecting society in general.</p> Maria Alberta Liza Quintarti Riadi Asra Rahmad Zulkarnain S Budi Handayani Rica Gusmarani Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Alberta Liza Quintarti, Adwin Tista, Muktar, Randi, Tauratia 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 6 4 1156~1159 1156~1159 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6269 Legal Protection Against Patients who Experience Overdose <p>Overdose is a serious condition that occurs due to consuming excessive amounts of a drug or substance, which can be life-threatening. Legal protection for patients who experience an overdose is very important, especially related to patient rights, responsibilities of medical personnel, and health policies. According to WHO (World Health Organization), overdose is the use of psychoactive substances in dangerous amounts, which results in adverse effects, including death. Legal protection of patients who have overdosed is essential to ensure that they receive necessary treatment without fear of legal consequences. By upholding patient rights, medical personnel responsibilities, and supportive health policies, we can reduce the impact of overdoses and improve health outcomes for at-risk individuals. Collaboration between the government, health service providers, and the community is needed to create a safe environment for patients and their families.</p> Muslimah Ta’adi Diana Pujiningsih Andi Wahyuddin Nur Mawardi Copyright (c) 2024 Muslimah, Ta’adi, Diana Pujiningsih, Andi Wahyuddin Nur, Mawardi 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 6 4 1160~1162 1160~1162 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6263 Risk Analysis of Disaster Management Project in Central Sulawesi Province <p>Risk is the cause of unexpected conditions that can cause loss, damage, or loss. This is due to the risks contained in construction projects that can affect the productivity and quality of the project. The Central Sulawesi Province 2 School Infrastructure Disaster Management Project, located in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, is a project that handles the construction of school infrastructure. This project is also not free from risks that can cause the project not to run as planned and suffer losses. Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in conducting a risk analysis that occurs in the Central Sulawesi Province School Infrastructure Disaster Management Project 2. The methods used in this study are data collection by distributing questionnaires, conducting data analysis, descriptive statistics, reliability tests, risk analysis, risk response and risk control. This research was carried out for 6 months, starting from preparation, implementation, data collection, and monitoring and evaluation. The outputs to be achieved in this study are scientific articles published in research journals and reports on the results of activities.</p> Andi Rizal T. Hilmansyah M. Amin Muhammad Sutrisno Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Rizal, T. Hilmansyah, M. Amin 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 6 4 1163~1168 1163~1168 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6160 Effectiveness of Developing Dietary Culture by Utilizing Local Food Products from Moringa Leaves Through Fortification in Handling Stunting <p>Stunting is a condition of growth failure in toddlers caused by long-term malnutrition, repeated exposure to infections, and lack of stimulation. The number of stunting in Indonesia in 2022 was 15,798,153 toddlers with a prevalence rate of 21.6%. This figure is high, stunting can be a threat to future generations. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of developing a diet culture by utilizing local food products from Moringa leaves through fortification in handling stunted toddlers. This study used a quasi-experimental design, the number of samples was 30 stunted toddlers divided into 2 groups, namely 30 treatment groups and 30 non-treatment groups. The results of this study show that the use of local food using fortified Moringa leaf products can affect the weight gain of toddlers as seen from the intervention group before and after treatment. Fortification with Moringa is one way to prevent underweight in toddlers</p> Arina Rizky Jenita Pricilia Fadly Umar Andi Kartiani Dewi Lestari Copyright (c) 2024 Arina Rizky, Jenita Pricilia, Fadly Umar, Andi Kartiani, Dewi Lestari 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 6 4 1170~1172 1170~1172 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6167 Tariff of Indonesia Case Based Groups (INA-CBG’s) and Real Tariff on Acute Gastroenteritis Patient National Health Insurance in Inpatient Unit Class I District General Hospital Undata Palu <p>Hospitals are required to provide tariffs that can be reached by the general public. This cost of service problem becomes very important so as to encourage all elements concerned, to calculate in real how much the cost of hospital services. Undata Palu Public Hospital has never done real tariff calculation analysis by hospital, where the difference or comparison result will show how exactly impact of INA-CBG's tariff payment system on finance or hospital income. The purpose of this study is to see and know the difference between INA-CBG's tariff and real hospital tariff in GEA patients of JKN participants in the first class hospital unit of Undata Palu Public Hospital. This research type is quantitative with descriptive method. Data were retrospectively taken from BPJS claim files and medical records of patients. The research object was medical record of inpatient with diagnose of Acute Gastroenteritis (GEA) at Undata Hospital with code of INA-CBG's K-4-17-I and K-4-17-II period January - September 2017. The difference between the INA-CBG's tariff and the real tariff of the hospital by the total difference between the INA-CBG's tariff and the real tariff of the hospital is Rp. 38,515,292, for total INA-CBG's tariff of Rp. 127,432,300 and the real rate of hospital is Rp. 88,917,008. So overall it shows that INA-CBG's tariff is higher than the real rate in hospital. It is recommended to calculate the difference between INA-CBG's tariff and the real tariff of hospitals with different cases, so as to know the applicable cross subsidies between diseases that are beneficial and detrimental to the hospital.</p> Nur Mila Sari Miftahul Haerati Sulaiman Khairunisaa Nur Azizah Azzahra Muh. Ryman Napirah Indra Eka Wardana Toii Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Mila Sari 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 6 4 1173~1178 1173~1178 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6003 Feasibility of Banana Chips Agroindustry Business IKM Banua Pagatta in Lolu Village Sigi Biromaru District, Sigi Regency Sulawesi Tngah <p>Kepok banana chip is one of the processed banana products used as daily snack, especially for the people of Sigi Regency. It has even been marketed to several areas around Sigi Regency. The banana chips business produced by IKM Banua Pagatta has started to actively manage its business again three years ago. However, how much profit and feasibility have been obtained so far and to what extent can this business return the invested capital and what products are sold in what forms generate the highest income. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of financial feasibility of the banana chip business which was carried out from November 2022 to January 2023. The selection of respondents was carried out purposively with 2 persons, namely the owner IKM Banua Pagatta business. The data analysis method used is financial feasibility analysis, with several criteria, namely: Net Present Value (NPV), Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP). The results show that the Financial Feasibility of the Kepok Banana chips business of IKM Banua Pagatta used 4 calculation criteria: For production in bulk form/Kg, the NPV was Rp. 20,801,153;&nbsp; Net B/C of 1.22;&nbsp; IRR of 17.31% and PP for 2 years 2 days. As for production in the form of packaging, the NPV&nbsp; is 10,801,153, Net B/C&nbsp; is 1.10, IRR is 16.23% and PP&nbsp; 2 years 1 month and both of them are said to be feasible to run.</p> Marliyah Irmawaty Riskayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Marliyah, Irmawaty, Riskayanti 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 6 4 1179~1184 1179~1184 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6298 Language Analysis of Sexism in Online Gender-Based Violence (KGBO) on Facebook Platform Reels in 2023 <p>Online gender based violence (KGB Online) or sexual violence facilitated by technology, just like real world gender-based violence, the act of violence requires the deliberate intention of harassing the victim based on gender or sexuality. The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) revealed that 8.7% of women from 15 to 64 years old have experienced online sexual harassment. In fact, as many as 3.3% of women experienced it in the past year. This figure is based on the 2021 national women's life experience survey conducted by KemenPPPA and BPS. The previous studies results showed that social media gave birth to a new form of harassment that places women as objects due to the dominance of power built by patriarchal culture and has an impact on other forms of harassment such as malicious comments, hate speech, indecent image content and online harassment. This study was aimed at examining the language of sexism in the form of online gender-based violence (KGB Online) sourced from netizen comments on the reels platform on Facebook. Data collection was taken randomly using a qualitative approach with a document study method. Based&nbsp; on the results and conclusions, the language of sexism has a negative impact, which is mentally bad and degrading negative body image in general.</p> Ma’rifah Nurmala Sari Wulandari Hairuddin Cikka Copyright (c) 2024 Sari Wulandari 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 6 4 1185~1187 1185~1187 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6299 Development of Digital-Based Marketing Methods (Meta Ads) to Increase MSME Sales <p>The growth of MSMEs in developing areas, especially Palu City, continues to increase and some have failed so that they have to close their businesses. This failure can be caused by several factors, including limited budget for marketing, making it difficult to compete with large companies in terms of promotion and advertising. The difficulty in gaining sufficient visibility in a crowded and competitive market is often a factor in MSMEs sinking among larger and better-known competitors, making it difficult to reach and attract the attention of the right target market. Another factor is due to the lack of knowledge of MSME actors about modern marketing skills, such as the use of social media platforms and other digital marketing tools. This study aims to explore the effect of using meta ads on increasing sales of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Palu City, so that they can have the right target market. This study will use a mixed method approach by combining quantitative and qualitative design methods with a sample size of 30 samples divided into two groups using ads marketing and conventional marketing. Bivariate data analysis using paired t-test showed that marketing through Meta Ads has a significant positive effect on the income of MSME actors compared to conventional marketing. Most respondents have proven that advertising is needed to attract consumers and that the use of social media, especially Meta Ads.</p> Andhyka Fathul Huda Rahmat Yanuary Jenita Frisilia Kadek Bramdhika Ada Copyright (c) 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 6 4 1188~1192 1188~1192 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.1558 The Effectiveness of Social Media in Enhancing Performance of Regional Apparatus in East Java <p>This study aims to analyse the effectiveness of social media as a mediator in improving the performance of regional apparatus in East Java. In the digital era, social media has become an important tool in optimising government communication, transparency and accountability. This study uses a quantitative methodology with a survey approach to collect data from regional apparatus in East Java. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to regional apparatus employees and analysed using path analysis techniques. The results The research findings indicate that the achievements of local apparatus in East Java, as well as the utilization of social media, are significantly influenced by CETTAR work culture, technological literacy, and service innovation. CETTAR work culture, technological literacy, and service innovation all showed a positive influence on social media usage and local apparatus performance. The implications of this study suggest that optimising the use of social media is an integral part of employee performance improvement strategies undertaken by local governments.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Aminullah Assagaf Zainal Muttaqin Sukesi Sukesi Copyright (c) 2024 Aminullah Assagaf, Zainal Muttaqin, Sukesi Sukesi 2024-10-25 2024-10-25 6 4 1193~1198 1193~1198 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5856 Key Factors Influencing Madiun Entrepreneurs in Starting Culinary Businesses: An Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach <p>This research aims to identify the factors influencing entrepreneurs' decisions to enter the culinary business sector in Madiun, Indonesia. Using a quantitative approach with Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), the study examines both internal and external factors that shape decision-making processes. Data were collected from 100 respondents through a structured questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS software. The results indicate that three main factors influence entrepreneurs: Product, Motivation, and Socio-Cultural factors. The Product factor, which includes variables such as ease of operation, market demand, and profitability, was found to be the most significant. Motivation, which encompasses personal skills, entrepreneurial interest, and self-empowerment, plays a key role in driving business choices. The Socio-Cultural factor reflects the influence of the environment, educational background, and available resources. These findings provide valuable insights for current and aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as policymakers, by highlighting the key drivers of success in the culinary business. The study suggests that the accessibility and growth potential of the culinary sector in Madiun make it an attractive industry for entrepreneurs seeking both personal and financial fulfillment</p> Prasetyo Yekti Utomo Dimas Ari Setyawan Hifzhan Frima Thousani Copyright (c) 2024 Hifzhan Thousani, Prasetyo Yekti Utomo, Dimas Ari Setyawan 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 6 4 1199~1206 1199~1206 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6253 The Effectiveness of Implementing Restorative Justice in Child Criminal Cases <p>Restorative justice is an approach that is oriented towards resolving conflicts through dialogue between perpetrators, victims and the community. This approach provides an opportunity for perpetrators to understand the impact of their actions and take responsibility for their actions. Restorative justice is an approach to the justice system that focuses on recovery and rehabilitation, not punishment. This concept emphasizes dialogue between the perpetrator, victim and community to reach an agreement that benefits all parties. Restorative justice has emerged as a promising alternative, offering a different paradigm from the conventional justice system. This approach focuses on restoring relationships between perpetrators, victims, and society, and provides opportunities for perpetrators to understand the impact of their actions. The application of restorative justice in juvenile criminal cases shows significant potential in creating more positive outcomes for all parties involved. While challenges remain, steps to increase understanding and engagement of all parties can help optimize the effectiveness of this approach. Thus, restorative justice can be a valuable alternative in handling child criminal cases in Indonesia.</p> Christina Bagenda Ana Maria Gadi Djou Agus Sugiarto Andi Wahyuddin Nur Ummi Kalsum Copyright (c) 2024 Heryanty Hasan 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 6 4 1127~1130 1127~1130 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6308 Progressivism in the Perspective of Islamic Educational Philosophy <p>he world of education needs progressivism that can not only realize and develop children's potential and interests through creating learning freedom through children's experiences directly in the community, but progressivism that can lead students to get closer to their God. This study uses the design&nbsp; of a review literature review method&nbsp; in which&nbsp; the literature taken is in accordance with the subject of discussion. With the aim of obtaining information related to progressivism in the perspective of Islamic educational philosophy. The results of the analysis show that: (1) According to the view of Islamic educational philosophy in learning practice, educators not only equip with materials about the world, but also emphasize aspects that are thick with religious nuances and full of divine dimensions, (2) Educators can apply the concept of pprogresivism to teaching methods and materials that are in line with Islamic values, such as speculative methods and contemplative (contemplative), analysis of concepts (language), truth and experience as well as normative (values), historical (historical) and scientific approaches to actual problems, so that children have awareness of worship, obedient and able to face various obstacles during their lives, (3) In Islamic education, it is important to provide provisions for students about things that are useful in life in the world through their learning experiences. So, the author suggests learning methods that are suitable for use in a process of western/Islamic education, namely the method of tours (study tours), projects, dialogues, discussions, experiments, fieldwork, field trips and practical experiences, where students can face and solve problems and can learn from these problems so that they have useful experiences in the hereafter armed with the hereafter.</p> Rosita Rachmad Soe’oed Khojir Copyright (c) 2024 Rosita, Rachmad Soe’oed, Khojir 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 6 4 1131~1140 1131~1140 10.56338/ijhess.v4i2.2349 PAI Teacher Qualification Standards as the Main Pillar in Islamic Character Education <p>The Qualification Standards for Islamic Religious Education (PAI) Teachers play a crucial role in the development of Islamic character education in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze how the qualification standards for PAI teachers can be the main pillar in shaping the character of students. Through a qualitative approach, this study identifies the competencies required by PAI teachers, including academic knowledge, pedagogical skills, and moral values ??that are in line with Islamic teachings. The results of the study indicate that improving the qualifications of PAI teachers not only affects the quality of teaching, but also the formation of student character that reflects noble morals. Thus, the development of PAI teacher qualification standards is a strategic step in realizing sustainable and effective Islamic character education. This study is expected to be a reference for policy makers and educational institutions in improving the quality of religious education in Indonesia</p> Mokhamad Taufik Mohamad Nur Kholis Setiawan Muehammad Eka Mahmud Copyright (c) 2024 Mokhamad Taufik, Mohamad Nur Kholis Setiawan, Muehammad Eka Mahmud 2024-10-30 2024-10-30 6 4 1141~1151 1141~1151 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.2354 Settlement of Criminal Actions Not Appearing Without Permission Through Military Discipline Legal Mechanism in Order Unit and Personnel Development <p>The law that applies specifically to military personnel consists of formal and material Military Criminal Law, apart from that there is also military discipline law which is regulated by law. Military crimes can be divided into two, namely pure military crimes and mixed military crimes. One of the pure military crimes is the crime of not being present without permission. The crime of being present without permission is generally regulated in CHAPTER III Book II of the Military Criminal Code, but this crime is also regulated in the Military Discipline Law as a violation of military discipline. With these conflicting legal regulations, the author then raises this problem into a thesis. The problem formulation that the author presents is: How is military disciplinary law applied to the crime of not being present without permission and what are the consequences of resolving THTI crimes through military disciplinary legal mechanisms in the face of unit and personnel development? There are three possibilities for resolving THTI crimes through military disciplinary legal channels. . The research method in this thesis is normative juridical using military discipline law enforcement theory, unit and personnel development theory and legal certainty theory. The conclusion of this research is that the criminal act of not being present without permission can be resolved through military disciplinary law, namely a criminal act in the narrow sense, namely Article 85 1 and Article 86 1 of the KUHPM. Completion of legal discipline will of course have an impact on the development of the unit and personnel concerned in the form of postponement of rank or education.</p> Nyoman Agus Surya Pradipta Copyright (c) 2024 Nyoman Agus Surya Pradipta 2024-10-30 2024-10-30 6 4 1152~1161 1152~1161 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.2268 Health Belief Model (HBM) Approach in Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention Efforts in Men Who Have Sex with Men (LSL) Communities <p>Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) among LSL are caused by sexual behavior driven by sexual desire, either with the opposite sex or the same sex. The forms of this behavior can vary, from feelings of attraction to dating, making out, and intercourse. Sexual behavior carried out by men is much more complex, where it can be seen that men who have sex with men can have sex with women and transvestites. Geographically, the location of Palu City is very strategic, potentially receiving imports of HIV/AIDS and STI transmission. This is because the smooth mobility of the population between provinces is quite high, because there are seaports, airports that can connect with other areas, besides that land routes are also smooth. The purpose of this study was to obtain information, examine and analyze the Health Belief Model (HBM) approach in efforts to prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) Community in Palu City. This study uses qualitative research using a phenomenological approach to explore the phenomenon of STI prevention efforts with the Health Belief Model (HBM) approach in Palu City and Focus Group Discussion. The main informants in this study were MSM in Palu City. Supporting informants were consumers/friends of MSM who were directly involved in social interactions with those studied, and the key informants in this study were managers of the HIV/AIDS and STI disease program in Palu City who knew and had various information related to the world of LSL.</p> Multy Syaddam Nirwan Arina Rizki Fauziah Copyright (c) 2024 Multy Syaddam Nirwan, Arina Rizki Fauziah 2024-10-30 2024-10-30 6 4 1162~1167 1162~1167 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6349 Relationship Between Daily Animal Protein Consumption with Anemia Status in Pregnant Women at the Masaran 1 Health Center <p>One of the hemodynamic problems due to the lack of adequate nutritional intake that is often experienced by pregnant women is anemia (Mariana, 2018). The incidence of anemia or lack of blood in pregnant women in Indonesia according to Riskesdas 2018 is 48.9%, with 84.6% of anemia occurring at the age of 15-24 years, at the age of 2534 by 33.7%, and by the age of 35-44 by 33.6%. The function of protein during pregnancy is as a means of transporting iron that will compose hemoglobin in the blood. Pregnant women with insufficient protein intake will experience anemia as much as 28.6% and the number of pregnant women who have good protein intake and not anemia will be 53.1%. The result of the bivariate analysis of the p-value value was .000. The value is less than 0.05 so it can be concluded that there is a relationship between daily animal protein consumption and anemia status in pregnant women at the Masaran I Health Center</p> Anitha Kusumawati Ratih Dwilestari Puji Utami Wahyu Rima Agustin Copyright (c) 2024 Anitha Kusumawati, Ratih Dwilestari Puji Utami, Wahyu Rima Agustin 2024-10-30 2024-10-30 6 4 1168~1172 1168~1172 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6420 Analysis of the Influence of Competency, Work Motivation, and Work Environment on Employee Performance of PT Graha Sakura Jaya (Grand Sakura Hotel) Medan <p>This study aims to analyze the influence of competence, work motivation, and work environment on employee performance at PT Graha Sakura Jaya (Hotel Grand Sakura) Medan. This research method is quantitative with an associative approach. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires. The research data was processed with SPSS 25. The results showed that Competence, Work Motivation and work environment have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT Graha Sakura Jaya (Hotel Grand Sakura) Medan both partially and simultaneously. Competence has a positive and significant effect partially on employee performance at PT Graha Sakura Jaya, where the t count value is 3.245 and t table 1.99547 or t count&gt; t table = 3.245&gt; 1.99547 with a significant value of 0.031 which means the significant value is greater than 0.05 (0.031 &lt;0.05). So H1 is accepted. Work Motivation partially has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance of PT Graha Sakura Jaya where the t count value is 3.101 and t table 1.99547 or t count&gt; t table = 3.101&gt; 1.99547 with a significant value of 0.049 which means the significant value is greater than 0.05 (0.049 &lt;0.05). So H2 is accepted. The work environment partially has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance of PT Graha Sakura Jaya where the t count value is 3.524 and t table 1.99547 or t count&gt; t table = 3.524&gt; 1.99547 with a significant value of 0.005 which means the significant value is greater than 0.05 (0.001 &lt;0.05). So H3 is accepted. Competence, work motivation and work environment together (simultaneously) have a positive and significant influence on employee performance at PT Graha Sakura Jaya (Hotel Grand Sakura Jaya) Medan where the calculated f value is 5.507 and f table 2.740 or calculated f&gt; f table = 5.507&gt; 2.740 with a significant value of 0.002 which means the significant value is smaller than 0.05 (0.002 &lt;0.05). So H4 is accepted. It can be concluded that the hypotheses H1, H2, H3, and H4 are proven true and can be accepted because the results of the study are in line with the proposed hypothesis.</p> Darni Br Barus Kholilul Kholik Copyright (c) 2024 Darni Br Barus, Haris abd. Kadir, Abdul Rahman 2024-10-30 2024-10-30 6 4 1173~1182 1173~1182 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6421 Dynamics of Legal Protection of Customary Land Rights in Batu Belah Village Kampar Regency <p>The rights of customary law communities are divided into two, namely individual and communal rights. The land tenure of customary law communities contained in the UUPA is a customary right (territory) to show to the land which is the environmental area of the legal community concerned. One of the problems related to customary land in Batu Belah Village is regarding the boundaries of the land. Unclear customary land boundaries give rise to disputes. The same thing ultimately hinders the process of registering customary land in Batu Belah Village, Kampar Regency. Based on this background, the main issues that the author wants to raise, among others, are <em>first</em>, How is the protection of customary land laws in Batu Belah Village, Kampar Regency? <em>Second</em>,&nbsp; what is the status of customary land in Batu Belah Village, Kampar Regency?, The type of research used by the author is sociological legal research, sociological legal research is also called <em>empirical law research</em>. The results of the study show that Batu Belah Village, Kampar Regency has not been registered because of several constraints. Thus, until now customary land in the region has not had a clear legal basis and is only interpreted on the basis of customary recognition in the sense that it has not received clear legal protection.</p> Ricky Musliadi Mardalena Hanifah Emilda Firdaus Muhammad Zulhidayat Kamilia Amirah Copyright (c) 2024 Ricky Musliadi, Mardalena Hanifah, Emilda Firdaus, Muhammad Zulhidayat, Kamilia Amirah 2024-10-31 2024-10-31 6 4 1183~1186 1183~1186 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6553 Strengthening the Role and Function of the Child Social Welfare Institution (LKSA) of Orphanages: Literature Analysis and Best Practices in Child Care and Education <p>This research aims to strengthen the role and function of the Children's Social Welfare Institution (LKSA) of the Orphanage in the care and education of children, especially orphans from underprivileged, abandoned and exposed to promiscuity. Relevant journal articles are compiled using<em> Harzing's Publish or Perish</em> and the selected articles are publications from 2022-2024. From the journal articles that have been collected, it is found that: (1) The institution provides caregiving, educational, business-related services and guidance for foster children, (2) Chairmen, administrators and caregivers act as motivators, advisors, facility providers and to achieve a prosperous future in a safe and supportive environment, children are helped to prepare themselves to face various challenges in their lives, (3) Facing obstacles such as the limited number of caregivers, financial constraints, and lack of experience of caregivers in caring for and fostering children who have diverse characters and backgrounds, (4) The proposed strategy includes strengthening cooperation between caregivers, foster children, and families/guardians, the implementation of targeted joint activities, (5) Support for entrepreneurship skills training, marketing practices for processed food products and sewing skills (6), mental health education and character education efforts through&nbsp; the internalization of religious and socio-religious moderation values. The implementation of this concrete step is in line with the Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No. 15 of 2010 and No. 30 of 2011, with the aim of creating a safe and fair environment for children, as the next generation who need comprehensive protection.</p> Rosita Alfitri M. Mustaqim Copyright (c) 2024 Rosita, Alfitri, M. Mustaqim 2024-10-30 2024-10-30 6 4 1187~1200 1187~1200 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6564 Effectiveness of Implementation of the Motor Vehicle Tax Fines Administrative Sanctions Elimination Program at the Palu Samsat Technical Implementation Unit <p>his study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the Program for the Elimination of Administrative Sanctions for Motor Vehicle Tax Fines in the Technical Implementation Unit of Samsat Palu. This study uses a method with descriptive qualitative data. The data obtained in this study are from the results of observations, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis methods are Data Collection, Data Condensation, Data Presentation, and Conclusion/Verification Drawn. The results of this study showthat the Effectiveness of the Implementation of the Program for the Elimination of Administrative Sanctions for Motor Vehicle Tax Fines at the Technical Implementation Unit of Samsat Palu has not been carried out effectively, this is due to the lack of achievement of the effectiveness indicators used in this study, based on the Achievement of Objectives indicator seen from the first aspect, namely, the Realization of Tax Revenue Targets has not been effective judging from the achievements of the three-year realization presentation last. Furthermore, based on the Integration indicator, it is seen from the first aspect, namely Coordination. From the results of the study, it is known that from the aspect of coordination internally and externally, it has not been effective. Second, Socialization. As for those related to the implementation of socialization with taxpayers, it has been carried out effectively. Adaptation indicators, seen from the aspect of Tax Collection Apparatus Resources, are inadequate. Second, Tax Collection Facilities, especially those related to the System Application, have not been optimized so that the management of tax revenue data and information has not been effective. Similarly, field operational support facilities have not been available as needed, the Third Tax Collection Mechanism, where it is known that at the time of the Elimination of Motor Vehicle Tax Fines and the exemption of Motor Vehicle Name Return Duty for the management of UPTB Region I Palu tax collection is not optimal because it does not have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) set and still uses SOPs as usual as regulated in regulations</p> Aditya Pratama Abdul Rivai Muh. Nawawi Copyright (c) 2024 Aditya Pratama, Abdul Rivai, Muh. Nawawi 2024-10-30 2024-10-30 6 4 1201~1207 1201~1207 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.6665 Comparison between Law No. 1 of 1974 and Islamic Law Regarding the Customary Marriage System of Nikka Ada' in Mamuju Society <p>he main issues addressed in this research are: 1) The meaning and process of Nikka Ada' implementation in Mamuju, 2) Islamic law's perspective on the practice of Nikka Ada' in Mamuju, and 3) The view of National Law No. 1 of 1974 on marriage regarding the practice of Nikka Ada' in Mamuju. This study adopts a qualitative approach with descriptive research, utilizing oral questioning. The theoretical frameworks employed include comparative theory, customary wisdom, and maslahah mursalah. The findings of this research conclude that: 1) The process of divorce marriage in Kalukku sub-district is similar to conventional marriage practices, with the groom providing a dowry, witnesses, a guardian, and other customary requirements. The local customs dictate that the marriage is considered complete upon dissolution (divorce). Pregnant women will divorce when the child is born. 2) The phenomenon of divorce marriage in Kalukku sub-district, considering its purposes, brings more benefits than harm. Therefore, based on Quranic verses, Hadiths, and Islamic legal principles, the practice of divorce marriage in Kalukku sub-district is permissible, provided it is undertaken out of necessity to bring about benefits. 3) Nikka Ada' marriages in Kalukku sub-district contradict the prevailing laws as they are not conducted through a court hearing. Divorce occurs solely based on the agreement of both parties, their respective families, and community and customary leaders.</p> Muh Ishar Hannani Saidah Agus Muchsin Suarning Copyright (c) 2024 Muh Ishar, Hannani, Saidah, Agus Muchsin, Suarning 2024-11-26 2024-11-26 6 4 10.56338/ijhess.v6i4.5519